
Past LGH Resident
“The Liberty Godparent Home is a ministry close to my heart. They played a vital role throughout my pregnancy, helping me to seek discernment, offering hope and healing where I thought there was none. The LGH taught me not only to accept the decisions I made, but to seek forgiveness and restoration in the midst of my brokenness. My heart is full of gratitude for the second chance the LGH gave me. Without their love, support and guidance I do not know the direction I may have taken and most importantly my sweet baby boy may not be here.”

A Family Restored

Mother of a Past LGH Resident
“Not my daughter. She’s only 19, not married, she has dreams and goals for her life, she’s a good girl. She’s a Christian, we go to church ….. A different reality hits when sitting across from a stranger that says “your test was positive, you are pregnant”. The stranger then hands her a list of her “options”. They give it to her because she is old enough to make her own decisions at age 19; but she looks at me because inside her mind, she is still too young for all of this and she begs for guidance. Thankfully, her Christian beliefs immediately took abortion off the “option” list. As a family we had many tearful conversations concerning her other options.
It is amazing how God works. I came to know about the Godparent home many years ago through a coworker who had adopted a baby girl. I read the information on their website and knew I had to call. My call turned into taking our daughter to the Liberty Godparent Home for them to love, care for, nurture and counsel. They provided a safe haven for her and us. She made friends that understood and are by her side even today. She learned many life lessons and grew in confidence with herself and her decisions. She grew in faith with God and found forgiveness and strength for the days ahead. The staff became her parents with love, guidance and discipline, and our friends with calm assurance that all would be fine. They never hesitated to talk with us, comfort us, and love us unconditionally as parents who had tried to raise their daughter right instead of judging our parenting during this difficult time. She received many hours of counseling regarding her choice to parent her baby or place the child for adoption and into the loving, caring family of someone who could provide for the baby all that she couldn’t, and all that he deserved, at this time in her life.
My daughter decided to place her baby for adoption; a decision she never wavered on. The staff remained with her through this decision and allowed her to choose the family God was preparing to receive this blessed miracle. Today, my daughter is stronger than ever due to all the lessons learned during this experience and her stay at LGH. With God’s help, many blessings have come from a troubled beginning. We have grown in family not only with the adoptive family with whom we have regular contact, but with the family of the Liberty Godparent Home staff and we are so blessed to have them all in our life…forever.”

Finding Hope

434.845.3466 [email protected]Monday-Thursday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pmFriday | 9:00 am - 1:00 pm